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La palabra appointment es una palabra extranjera

10 breves extractos del Wikcionario (El diccionario libre que todos pueden editar.)

— En inglés —
  • appointment n. The act of appointing a person to hold an office or to have…
  • appointment n. The state of being appointed to a service or office; an office…
  • appointment n. Stipulation; agreement; the act of fixing by mutual agreement.
  • appointment n. An arrangement between people to meet; an engagement.
  • appointment n. (Religion) Decree; direction; established order or constitution.
  • appointment n. (Law) The exercise of the power of designating (under a power…
  • appointment n. (Government) The assignment of a person by an official to…
  • appointment n. (In the plural) Equipment, furniture.
  • appointment n. (US) An honorary part or exercise, as an oration, etc., at…
  • appointment n. (Obsolete) The allowance paid to a public officer.
2 palabras en español de 10 definiciones extranjeras

mutual plural

48 palabras extranjeras de 10 definiciones extranjeras

act agreement allowance appointed appointing arrangement assignment being between constitution Decree designating direction engagement Equipment established established␣order etc exercise fixing furniture Government have hold honorary Law meet Obsolete of␣a office officer official oration order paid part people person power public public␣officer Religion service state state␣of␣being Stipulation the under

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