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La palabra second es una palabra extranjera

38 breves extractos del Wikcionario (El diccionario libre que todos pueden editar.)

— En francés —
  • second adj. Élément ordinal, correspondant au cardinal deux ; qui vient…
  • second adj. Qualifie la deuxième et dernière partie d’une chose.
  • second n.m. Celui qui tient le second rang dans un classement, dans…
  • second n.m. (Sens figuré) Personne qui en aide une autre dans une affaire…
  • second n.m. (Marine) Officier qui est immédiatement après le capitaine.
  • second n.m. (Désuet) Celui qui accompagnait un duelliste à titre de…
  • second n.m. (Par ellipse) Le second ou deuxième étage d’une maison.
  • second n.m. (Par ellipse) Le second ou deuxième mot permettant de retrouver…
— En inglés —
  • second adj. Number-two; following after the first one with nothing…
  • second adj. Next to the first in value, power, excellence, dignity…
  • second adj. Being of the same kind as one that has preceded; another.
  • second adv. (With superlative) After the first; at the second rank.
  • second adv. After the first occurrence but before the third.
  • second n. Something that is number two in a series.
  • second n. Something that is next in rank, quality, precedence, position…
  • second n. The place that is next below or after first in a race or contest.
  • second n. (Usually in the plural) A manufactured item that, though…
  • second n. (Usually in the plural) An additional helping of food.
  • second n. A chance or attempt to achieve what should have been done…
  • second n. (Music) The interval between two adjacent notes in a diatonic…
  • second n. The second gear of an engine.
  • second n. (Baseball) Second base.
  • second n. The agent of a party to an honour dispute whose role was…
  • second n. A Cub Scout appointed to assist the sixer.
  • second n. (Informal) A second-class honours degree.
  • second v. (Transitive) To agree as a second person to (a proposal)…
  • second v. To follow in the next place; to succeed.
  • second v. (Climbing) To climb after a lead climber.
  • second n. One-sixtieth of a minute; the SI unit of time, defined as…
  • second n. A unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a minute of arc…
  • second n. (Informal) A short, indeterminate amount of time.
  • second v. (Transitive, UK) To transfer temporarily to alternative employment.
  • second v. (Transitive) To assist or support; to back.
  • second v. (Transitive) To agree as a second person to (a proposal)…
  • second v. (Transitive, music) To accompany by singing as the second performer.
  • second n. One who supports another in a contest or combat, such as…
  • second n. One who supports or seconds a motion, or the act itself…
  • second n. (Obsolete) Aid; assistance; help.
22 palabras en español de 38 definiciones extranjeras

affaire base but cardinal dispute done figuré has Informal Marine minute notes ordinal Par place plural preceded race series short time une

162 palabras extranjeras de 38 definiciones extranjeras

accompagnait accompany achieve act additional adjacent after agent agree Aid aide alternative amount angle another appointed après arc as␣one assist assistance à␣titre à␣titre␣de attempt autre back Baseball been before Being below between capitaine Celui chance chose class classement climb climber Climbing combat contest correspondant Cub Cub␣Scout dans defined degree dernière Désuet deux deuxième diatonic dignity duelliste Élément ellipse employment engine equal est étage excellence first follow following food gear have help helping honour honours honours␣degree immédiatement indeterminate interval item itself kind lead lead␣climber maison manufactured minute␣of␣arc mot motion music next Next␣to nothing number number␣two Obsolete occurrence of␣a of␣an Officier one partie party party␣to performer permettant person Personne position power precedence proposal Qualifie quality qui rang rank retrouver role same Scout second Second␣base second␣class second␣gear second␣person seconds Sens Sens␣figuré should singing sixer sixtieth Something succeed such such␣as superlative support supports temporarily that that␣is the the␣same third though tient titre to␣the transfer Transitive two une␣autre unit Usually value vient was what who whose with

Un sufijo (Palabra nueva que se encuentra añadiendo una o más letras al final de la palabra.)


9 palabras dentro de la palabra (Las palabras se encuentran dentro de la palabra. Tamaño mínimo 3 letras.)

con con- eco -eco eco- seco Seco secó secón

Un anagrama (Palabra nueva que se encuentra cuando cambias el orden de la letra.)


33 anagramas con una letra adicional (Palabras nuevas formadas con todo las letras de le palabra y una letra adicional.)

asconde ascondé cenados censado cesando codones condesa condesá condese condesé condeso condesó decanos decenos desnuco desnu desonce desoncé docenas docenos escando escindo escodan escoden esconda esconde escondé escondí escondo Sancedo secando secundo secundó

15 anagramas menos una letra (Nuevas palabras formadas con las letras de la palabra menos una letra de la palabra.)

censo censó conde Conde cosed cosen denso densó dones donés Edson secón Sendo sonde sondé

Un lipograma (Palabra nueva que se encuentra quitando solo una letra.)


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