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La palabra walkup es una palabra extranjera

11 breves extractos del Wikcionario (El diccionario libre que todos pueden editar.)

— En inglés —
  • walkup n. Alternative form of walk-up.
  • Walkup prop.n. A surname.
  • walk-up adj. (Of an apartment etc) Reached by stairs rather than an elevator.
  • walk-up adj. (Of a block of apartments) Containing such flats.
  • walk-up adj. (Of a service) For which no appointment is necessary.
  • walk-up n. (US) An apartment or block with stairs rather than an elevator.
  • walk-up n. (Aviation) An informal visit to a control tower by a pilot…
  • walk-up n. A mountain that can be climbed without specialist equipment.
  • walk-up n. A customer who arrives without a reservation; a walk-in.
  • walk-up n. An indoor or outdoor stand where food is sold to the public.
  • walk-up n. Colaptes auratus, northern flicker.
3 palabras en español de 11 definiciones extranjeras

can control informal

55 palabras extranjeras de 11 definiciones extranjeras

Alternative apartment apartments appointment arrives auratus Aviation block climbed Containing control␣tower customer elevator equipment etc flats flicker food For form indoor mountain necessary northern northern␣flicker Of␣a Of␣an outdoor pilot public rather rather␣than Reached reservation service sold specialist stairs stand such surname than that the to␣the tower visit walk walk␣in walk-up where which who with without

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